David Bandler
Over 20 years experience

Visual arts including illustration, painting, sculpture, and other media.


Furniture design, interface design, and web design.


Landscape, nature, and portraiture photography.

Alt-process, digital, and traditional photography and photographic printmaking.


Contemporary and modern musical arrangements, compositions, and scores.

Software Developer

Consumer and Enterprise solutions.

c++, c#, vb, .NET

Web Developer

Consumer site and corporate intranet development, maintenance, and support.

ASP.NET, c#, vb, vbs, js, json, xml, html 5, xhtml 5+


Information Systems Engineer

Data and systems analysis, development, and deployment.

Database Administration and Security.

Johnson County Community College
University of Missouri - Kansas City

Copyright © 1999-2025 David M. Bandler, All Rights Reserved. Copyrights registered with the US Copyright Office et al.

All content, images, works of art, photographs, designs, music, information, and all other data contained within this site are the sole property of David M. Bandler. No use, reuse, copying, duplication, distribution, re-distributioin, exhibition, publication, dissemination, circulation, modification, sale, syndication, saving, or possession or use in any manner or in any kind, in part or whole, for any purpose, academic, commercial, non-commercial, or private, without express written, notorized permission from David M. Bandler. Other content or music, which may be included within this site, is copyright by the respective holder as listed with the content or music.

Bandler Media Productions™ is a trademark of David M. Bandler.